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    Vijimi i mesimit ne Universitetin Europian te Tiranes

    by UET LMS Admin -

    Ne zbatimt te ligjit 80/2015 'Per Arsimin e Larte dhe Kerkimin Shkencor ne lnstitucionet e Arsimit te Larte ne Republiken e Shqiperise', statutit te institucionit, duke marre shkas nga vendimi nr.190, date 19.03.2020 i Ministrise se Shendetesise dhe Mbrojtjes Sociale per "Mbylljen e veprimtarise se institucioneve ansimore publike dhe jo publike dhe cerdheve per kufizimin e perhapjes se infeksionit COVID-2019", Universiteti Europian i Tiranes ne zbatim te ketij urdheri, ka pezulluar mesimin ne auditore deri ne date 3 Prill 2020.

    Me poshte bashkengjitur urdheri.

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    Available courses

    Project KALCEA revolves around the creation of a consortium of partner organizations, institutions and Industry Sector representatives that shall mediate the implementation of the principles of the Knowledge Triangle (KT) – education, research and innovation – in their respective domains.

    Its main aim is to create a systematic and structural approach for the efficient implementation of the principles mentioned above, and by doing so, creating an institutional framework that integrates education, research and innovation in its core functions.

    In this context, the following objectives have been foreseen:

    • Introducing KT principles;
    • Developing a structured cooperation between HEIs, the Industry Sector and research institutions;
    • Creating the “Smart Platform”;
    • Introducing “Living Labs/Learning Factories”;
    • Establishing Knowledge Innovation Centers (KICs) that funnel innovativeness in the research cooperation process;
    • Developing vocational courses in Sustainable Energy (SE).

    Ecuria e Doktorantit ne Programin e Doktoratures

    Keshilli Studentor

    What does SmartAL stand for?

    SmartAl is an Erasmus+ Capacity Building project lead by CIHEAM, Montpellier and funded by the European Commission. The three-year project is envisaged to operate in Albanian Universities by bringing in the experience of European partners. The main objective of the project is to address the new identified job market needs induced by the new and forthcoming public policies in Albania. Some of the envisaged activities are job market review & training needs analysis; booklet of didactic materials; 9 module description fiches; Teachers Capacity building for modules co-conception; quality assurance.

    The main objective is declined in several specific objectives:

    1. Strengthen the linkages between the universities and job provider institutions at central and local level.
    2. Improve the theoretical and practical knowledge of master’s students on territory administration, agricultural policies, rural development and innovation as well as their negotiation and participative decision-making skills.
    3. Design at least 9 shared specific teaching modules filling the gap between the existing offer and the market job needs.
    4. Offer to Albanian teaching staff innovative tools and methodologies.
    5. Improve the matching of academic requirements with professional needs during the practical internship period.
    6. Consolidate collaboration among Albanian HEIs and create synergies and complementarities among the study programs they provide to their own audience.
    7. Develop a long term blended research network of EU and Albania researchers on these thematic.
    8. Collaborate to the capacity building and generational renewal of Albanian University staff.


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    Ketu pedagoget mund te bejne testime ne rolin e pedagogut per hedhjen e materialeve, njoftimeve, ngjarjeve (eventeve), etj, perpara se ti kryejne ne lendet e tyre perkatese..

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